Our Leadership

Fekadu Germama

Jesus Film Strategy Director

Edea Fekadu Germama has been serving the ministry for 25 years, primarily as the JESUS FILM Project National Director in Ethiopia since 2015. With a university degree and an MA in leadership, Edea's expertise lies in providing leadership to the JESUS FILM strategy in Ethiopia, particularly in translating the film into 30 local languages to reach rural areas with the Gospel.

Among his notable achievements are the translation of the film into multiple languages, resulting in the establishment of numerous churches and conversions. He finds fulfillment in witnessing the impact of the JESUS FILM ministry and its ability to touch hearts and transform lives. Outside of work, Edea enjoys playing soccer. One memorable experience he shares is witnessing the transformation and growth of churches in regions where the ministry faced adversity.

In handling challenges, Edea focuses on identifying issues, evaluating solutions, and planning ahead. His career aspirations include further education to enhance his qualifications for continued ministry impact. Edea emphasizes the importance of mentoring young leaders for the future.

Additionally, he serves as a National Leadership Team member and prioritizes work-life balance by setting dedicated time for both. Colleagues or clients can easily reach out to him through phone calls, email, or in person.

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