ከእግዚአብሔር ጋር ግንኙነት ለመጀመር ምን ያስፈልጋል
በመንፈሳዊ ጉዞዎ ወደፊት ለመራመድ እየፈለጉ ነው?
መልካም ደቀመዝሙር የሚያደርገው ምንድን ነው?
እንደ ልቡም ቅንነት ይጠብቃቸው ነበር
የተማሪ-መር እንቅስቃሴ
የመሪ -መር አገልግሎት
ዛሬ ላይ በሚሊዮን የሚቆጠሩ ሰዎችን በወንጌል ለመድረስ ኢንተርኔት አንዱ አማራጭ ሆኖአል።
ናሽናል ኦፔሬሽን
የጸሎት እንቅስቃሴ
የሰው ሀብት እና የአመራር ዕድገት
የኢየሱስ ፊልም
ጂኦግራፊክ ኤክስፓንሽን
አለም አቀፍ የቤተክርስትያን እንቅስቃሴ
እንዴት ከክርስቶስ ጋር ወደአለ ወዳጅነት ከ እያንዳንዱ ሰው ጋር መጓዝ እንደምንፈልግ
ስለ ወንጌል እና አለምን ስለምናገለግልበት ጥሪያችን
As a missionary couple with three children, Miktile and Meseret serve as full-time missionaries with Great Commission Ministry Ethiopia, an affiliate of Campus Crusade for Christ International. They embarked on their missionary journey in July 2007, bringing with them a profound dedication to their faith and service. Their family comprises Lydia, aged nine; Ebenezer, aged six; and Bethany, aged four, who requires specialized care due to Down syndrome.
Their academic foundation was laid at Addis Ababa University, where Miktil earned a BA degree in Administrative Management and Technology, and Meseret pursued a BA in Accounting. Miktile continued his studies, obtaining an MA in World Mission (2014) and Transformational Leadership (2023), while Meseret focused on caring for their growing family.
Their calling to ministry was sparked by a transformative moment in 2000 when Miktile experienced a divine revelation while reading Romans 10:9-10. This revelation ignited a deep-seated commitment to spreading the gospel and serving others, prompting Miktile to pledge his life to this purpose. Following through on this commitment, they joined Great Commission Ministry Ethiopia as full-time missionaries in July 2007.
Throughout their tenure, Miktile and Meseret have shouldered various responsibilities within the ministry, ranging from student fellowship leadership to overseeing national mobilization efforts. Their dedication to serving others and spreading the message of salvation has been unwavering, reflecting their profound faith and commitment to their calling.
Know more about Mikitil
©ግሬት ኮሚሽን ሚኒስትሪ ኢትዮጵያ። መብቱ በህግ የተጠበቀ ነው።